Terms of Use

Makutano provides technologies and services that enable people to connect with each other, build communities, and grow businesses.


We don’t charge you to use Makutano or the other products and services covered by these Terms, unless we state otherwise. Instead, businesses and organizations, and other persons pay us to show you ads for their products and services. By using our Products, you agree that we can show you ads that we think may be relevant to you and your interests. We use your personal data to help determine which personalized ads to show you.


We don’t sell your personal data to advertisers, and we don’t share information that directly identifies you (such as your name, email address or other contact information) with advertisers unless you give us specific permission. Instead, advertisers can tell us things like the kind of audience they want to see their ads, and we show those ads to people who may be interested. We provide advertisers with reports about the performance of their ads that help them understand how people are interacting with their content.


Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use your personal data to determine some of the ads you see and provide all of the other services described below. You can also go to your settings pages of the relevant information at any time to review the privacy choices you have about how we use your data.

The services we provide

Our mission is to create a save space for different perspectives. To help advance this mission, we provide the Products and services described below to you:

Provide a personalized experience for you:

Your experience on Makutano is unlike anyone else's: from the posts, stories, events, ads, and other content you see in feed or our video platform to Marketplace, and search.

Connect you with people and organizations you care about:

We help you find and connect with people, groups, businesses, organizations, and others that matter to you. We use data to make suggestions for you and others - for example, groups to join, events to attend, Pages to follow or send a message to, shows to watch, and people you may want to become friends with.

Empower you to express yourself and communicate about what matters to you:

As a registered user, you can communicate with friends, family, and others about what matters to you

Help you discover content, products, and services that may interest you:

We show you personalized ads, offers, and other sponsored or commercial content to help you discover content, products, and services that are offered by the many businesses and organizations that use Makutano and other of our Products.

Promote the safety, security, and integrity of our services, combat harmful conduct and keep our community of users safe:

We work hard to maintain the security (including the availability, authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality) of our products and services. Makutano may access, preserve, use and share any information it collects about you where it has a good faith belief it is required or permitted by law to do so. For more information, please review our Privacy Policy.

Research ways to make our services better:

We engage in research to develop, test, and improve our Products. This includes analyzing data we have about our users and understanding how people use our Products, for example by conducting surveys and testing and troubleshooting new features. Our Privacy Policy explains how we use data to support this research for the purposes of developing and improving our services.

Provide consistent and seamless experiences across the Makutano Company Products:

Our Products help you find and connect with people, groups, businesses, organizations, and others that are important to you.

Ensuring access to our services:

To operate our global services and enable you to connect with people around the world, we need to transfer, store and distribute content and data to our data centers, partners, service providers, vendors and systems around the world, including outside your country of residence. The use of this global infrastructure is necessary and essential to provide our services.